Saturday, February 22nd at 9 a.m. to Friday, February 28t- at 6 p.m.
(Coming specially from the USA - translation provided)
Preparing The Path of The Wisdomkeeper
What is it that makes the difference between someone who is simply seen as a senior citizen, and someone who is known in their community as a wise elder, in the Native American vernacular, a Wisdomkeeper? Someone to whom others, (especially young people) can turn to in times of confusion, heartbreak and joy. One of the most important things is the ability to share their story, to articulate their life journey in such a way that their personal experiences can help guide others. In some ways, we are all preparing to be wise elders from the moment we become adults. Through a series of creative art and writing exercises and sharing circles, we will become each other’s Wisdomkeepers, no matter what age we are.
How do we heal? This question has been asked all over the globe since the dawn of humanity.
While specific techniques vary from region to region, universal patterns emerge when we take a broad view of non-Western healing technologies.
In this workshop, anthropologist and healer Bob Vetter and healer Maddi Cheers examine global healing practices throughout human history and share a template for healing that you can use in your practice. Using lectures, demonstrations, ceremonies, group sharing and breakout sessions, they will lay out a specific method that can be put to use immediately with the techniques you already employ.
Whether you are a healer or are simply searching for ways to heal yourself, this workshop is for you.
Workshop highlights include:
• Learning to use "Platica," or deep heart-to heart communication that engages sacred listening as a healing tool
• Soul Retrieval Work to return the soul fragments you may have lost over the course of your lifetime to return to the earlier and more complete version of you
• Methods to develop a healing presence that establishes rapport and forms the foundation for successful healing
• How to construct an altar dedicated to healing work
• Connecting with the four directions to amplify healing energies
• One way to use fresh herbs to correct energetic imbalances
• A simplified method to quickly uncover a limiting belief and shift the energy associated with it
• How to uncover and utilize a master healing symbol
• Techniques to maintain your own energetic balance as a healer
Robert Vetter, M.A. is a healer and soul coach who utilizes a combination of indigenous-inspired and Western methods to co-create lasting change for everyday modern problems. As a cultural anthropologist, Bob conducted fieldwork on healing practices among the Southern Plains tribes of Oklahoma. He was adopted into a family of Comanche people by Oliver Pahdopony, the last medicine man of his tribe. Later, he co-authored the book Big Bow: The Spiritual Life and Teachings of a Kiowa Family along with his adopted uncle, and Kiowa medicine man, Richard Tartsah. His later work took him to Mexico to learn the practice of Curanderismo, the traditional healing system of ancient Mesoamerica. Today Bob creatively combines indigenous-inspired methods of ceremony, altar work connected to archetypal symbols, soul retrieval, and spiritual cleansing along with the modern techniques of neo-Ericksonian hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming.
MADDI CHEERS is an interfaith minister, spiritual guide, storyteller, poet, author and healing artist. For over 25 years, she has studied the culture and spiritual traditions of many world religions, past and present. Much of her work is based on the indigenous practices of the peoples of North, Central and South America. She has integrated these teachings with her own intuitive sense of ritual and ceremony.
Maddi Cheers will bring us together to experience the Lenape Women’s Full Moon Ceremony and, fulfilling the ancient guidelines, take us through a Dream Circle sharing in the morning. We do this so that we can connect with each other and bring forward the energy of Female Divinity. According to the Lenape elder who called for the renewal of this ceremony 16 years ago, and so many other indigenous elders today, it is the rise of this feminine energy that is necessary to advance humanity and shift the world.
“I see it as our obligation, responsibility and joy, as spiritually conscious women,
to help heal each other in Sacred Circle and then go out and heal the world.”
Workshop + Temazcal : 500€
Temazcal alone : 50€ (open to non-participants - reservation obligatory)
MEALS : Potluck- We will share in the contribution and preparation of all the meals.
LODGING : 20€/night (Places are limited)
In order to confirm your reservation, you will be asked to do a bank transfer of the equivalent of 250€
The workshop is full, but there are is 1 place left for a healing with Bob.
HEALINGS (open to non-participants-reservation required)
Saturday, March 1st and Sunday, March 2nd :
Limpia (cleansing ceremony) : minimum offering : 15 €*
Platica + Limpia (narrative medicine + cleansing ceremony) : minimum offering : 30€*
In order to reserve a healing session, a 15€ deposit is required.
Link to register : / +33 681 13 77 11